Moditech Rescue Solutions BV
Koningspade 16-B
1718 MN Hoogwoud
The Netherlands
+31 (0)226 41 29 00
IBAN: NL03 RABO 0310 0737 90
KvK Alkmaar: 37107621
BTW: 811151621B01
Privacy Policy
Moditech Rescue Solutions
Moditech attaches great importance to the trust and the protection of privacy of the Crash Recovery System users. Moditech
processes the information you provide with your use of the Crash Recovery System in accordance with the Data Protection Act,
the Telecommunications Act and Moditech's privacy policy.
Moditech does not use your personal information for commercial or marketing purposes without your permission, except when it
is used as a specific service or part thereof. Moditech always offers you the possibility of opting in or out of this.
Insofar as your email address is known to Moditech, Moditech may make use of it. The email address is not used for marketing
purposes, but only has an administrative function, for example, to keep you informed of important changes to the Crash Recovery
System or for communication purposes.
Additionally, Moditech uses the user data to provide you with a better user experience and to analyse the needs of the Crash
Recovery System users. You agree that Moditech may use the user data in particular for the following purposes: i) for backup,
administration, archiving and scientific purposes; ii) Use of the user data to improve the Crash Recovery System service as well
as for safety and technical purposes; iii) To enable Moditech to inform its users per email about new features, promotions and/or
educational matters, or to send offers that may be relevant to you, in light of the provided user data in the Crash Recovery System.
In particular, Moditech can use certain personal information and non-personally identifiable information such as anonymous user
data, IP addresses, browser type and cookies for the aforementioned purposes.
At your request Moditech will: i) give you access to the personal data processed by Moditech; ii) modify/update your information;
iii) remove your information from its database.
You can contact us regarding this by email on info@moditech.com
Moditech uses cookies to be able to offer the most efficient Crash Recovery System service possible. Cookies are small text files
placed on your storage medium and read when a user visits a web page. The use of cookies is necessary for optimal use of the
Crash Recovery System Online Edition. The Online Edition of the Crash Recovery System only uses session cookies. Session
cookies are temporary and disappear after closing the browser.
Identification information
Moditech can make identification information available to the User solely for the use of the Crash Recovery System. The User will
always be careful with this identification information. In the event of loss, theft and/or other forms of unauthorised use, the User
will inform Moditech as soon as possible by email on info@moditech.com, so that the parties can take appropriate measures.
Data traffic
Moditech makes no guarantees regarding the content of data obtained by users of the Crash Recovery System in terms of
reliability and completeness, among other things. The User must use the Crash Recovery System and/or other facilities offered
responsibly. It is forbidden to use the Crash Recovery System in such a manner that may a) damage the Moditech systems; b)
cause disturbances in the use of the Crash Recovery System; c) excessively burden the system.
Moditech is entitled to view log files and similar regarding your account in order to analyse the use of the Crash Recovery System.
The results of such an analysis will not be made available to any third parties (parent companies and/or subsidiaries linked to
Moditech are not considered third parties). The user grants Moditech, without charge, a perpetual user and editing right to the
process data. Process data can only be made available to third parties if it is not directly traceable to the User.